Yo Ghost
A Review by Gilbert
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Yo Ghost begins by informing you that the Yo Ghost Empire has been destroying villages, that there are no survivors, and that all of the survivors are recruited into the Yo Ghost army, and that you survived, but have not been recruited, so you are our last hope. There's a lot wrong with that, and it's hard to chalk it up to a typo when, later in the game, a Yo Ghost commander promises to kill you, and then recruit you into his army. The reference to "our" last hope had me wondering who I was supposed to be saving. The people who were recruited into the Yo Ghost army? Those guys were all too eager to kill me.

Unfortunately, that's as funny as Yo Ghost's shortcomings get.

There are a few bad decisions here and there that'll put a smile on your face, some of the dialog is amusingly inept, but overall, it's not really spectacularly bad enough to justify playing. There's a scene where a couple dozen badguys appear onscreen, wandering in random directions at breakneck speed, and then they all disappear after you kill five of them in one battle. The heroes and badguys have the same sprites and battle graphics. There are several exchanges crammed into a single text box, characters that join you just because, bland graphics, etcetera. It's all very mediocre as bad OHR games go. If you'd like a real ugly beast of a bad game, try Xeon or Adventur (not a typo, there's no e).

If I could say one thing to the creator of the game, it's that you should try to involve the player emotionally.
The villains seem like bad guys and all, I mean, they're an evil empire, like Shinra, right? But the game doesn't really put any effort into making you care. There's nothing at stake, there's no real world for the villains to conquer, so there's no world for me to want to protect. Give me some funny, charming NPCs to talk to, give me something to like or something to hate.

Pros: The main characters aren't named after the game's author and his friends.

Cons: Not bad enough to be funny.