If you've played Spoonweaver's
Techno Ship Funkotron, you've
already played this game. What we have here is the exact same game with
new sprites and a different soundtrack. Like the original, you play a
DDR-style mini game that syncs terribly with the game's music while
sprites bump into each other and perform lewd actions. Also like the
original, playing this game is a waste of your time. There's nothing
clever or original here. Spoonweaver's made some very good games
lately, and his entry for Week 1 was fun, so it's a shame to see him
wasting time revisiting this garbage, even if it only took him a couple
hours/minutes to make. The message of this game is, "God, gay people
are disgusting!" If that appeals to you, this is the game for you.
You're also a worthless human being. Spoonweaver should feel bad for
making this game, but anyone who actually enjoyed the experience is a
far worse person. I feel guilty praising his good games when I see him
releasing things like this.
by Gizmog
Download Here

Nerd writes to
Santa, wishing for a girlfriend. Girl appears in house. Nerd and girl
walk in circles in house and say a few words. You can sleep, and time
passes. Maybe something happens after a certain number of days passes,
maybe not. There's nothing fun to do and the text isn't interesting, so
if there's more beyond what you can see in the first two days, I didn't
get to it. Someone else let me know. It would be a good test of
insanity to measure just how long someone was willing to play this game.

Bang Bang
by Rebobinar
Download Here

As Santa Claus,
the player wanders through a factory hitting children with candy canes
for points. The children don't attack back, or react, or really do
anything. You can earn points and level up, but I'm not sure why you'd
to. There's no real exposition, and no apparent goal. I don't know if
you gain anything from leveling, but I wasn't willing to put the time
in to learn. Maybe something happens if you smack every NPC in the
game, but I don't know why you'd want to put that much time into
playing this game. Competent Zelda-style
mechanics, but completely dull.

Maze of
the Red Mage
by Moogle1
Download Here
The first thing I
thought upon starting this game was, "All of these gameplay
instructions would make way more sense in a readme file than in the
game's opening." You're presented with a lot of information, all of it
essential to playing the game, but you'll probably glaze over it your
first time through. The game's relentlessly brutal, but is short enough
that dying horribly won't bother you very much. You explore a randomly
generated dungeon in search of the terrible RED MAGE. Along the way,
you'll pick up treasure, fight quick battles, and get squashed by traps.
The game's writing is really what sells it. It's cute, funny, and won't
bore you. I'll admit, in three or four attempts to clear the game, I
never defeated the RED MAGE himself, but I came close, or at least I
think I did. Everything works, and it's a good time all the way
through. Definitely the highlight of the contest.