A Commentary by Nathan Karr
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This is Nathan Karr, author of the game Weegee. Before I get too deep into this, I'll admit that before writing this I had no clue what "modernism" and "postmodernism" were.

I believe in the differences between good and bad, male and female, and objective truth in general; it is disbelief in these sorts of things that is the drive behind postmodernism. So, strange as my game is, it is not a piece of postmodern art.

I think it's a work of modernism, but my grasp of that movement is still sketchy.


Before I get into my game about Weegee, allow me to supply you with some history of Weegee.

In 1983, Nintendo made a game called Mario Bros. in which you could play Mario, the newly renamed hero of Donkey Kong, and his brother Luigi. Luigi not only fits with the Italian name of Mario, but is also a pun in Japanese (being pronounced the same as their word for "similar"). Puns are fun.

In 1987, Nintendo made a game with an Arabian Nights theme called "Doki Doki panic." Because Super Mario Bros. Lost Levels was basically just a harder version of the original, Nintendo retooled this game into Super Mario Bros. 2 for the American release in 1988. The "Mama" character was changed into Luigi.

Charles Martinet, who has voiced Mario and Luigi in all games where they get voice acting (save Mario is Missing and Hotel Mario) sometimes has them call Luigi "Weegee." - Such as Luigi saying "Go Weegee!" when starting battles in Super Mario Bros. Superstar Saga.

In 1991, Nintendo and Mindscape released the game Mario is Missing for NES and Super NES. It was a shoddily designed geography game with a Mario theme thrown on to increase sales. In 1992, it was released for the PC, but Lugi's graphics were drawn in a strange way.

In 2007, someone called MonkeyInCloset drew an image based on the PC version of Luigi's sprite. It has since been pasted into images all over the Internet to make them creepy and/or funny; unlike most memes, however, he just keeps getting stronger instead of dying.

In late 2010, I decided to remake Nintendo Quest in a way that made it more obvious the game was meant as a joke, so I redid some of the characters as Internet memes: Pac Man became Puck Man Jr, who goes "omnomnom"; Mega Man became Shoop Man, who fires his lasers; Luigi became Weegee, who just stands there and has a crapton of HP. I scrapped that project, but kept the sprites.

In 2011, I had few resources to make a fan game with, so I hurredly named my file "Fan.RPG" and started importing graphics from my old games. I found a large number of them to be Mario based, and Weegee seemed the perfect candidate for a hero. Being Nathan Karr, I naturally drew him with three colors and yellow skin.

So here's the progression for the hero of my game:


Nearly everything in this game is a reference. If it seems terribly different from Maces Wild in execution, the reasons are actually simple:
* Linear level design instead of exploration
* Single hero instead of party of heroes
* References are aimed at modern Internet phenomena, rather than cartoons and games from my childhood.
Really, it's the same type of thinking and the same determination to make something good that went into both games.

The game starts out simple enough; there's Goombas, Koopas, and the overworld music for Grass Land from SMB3. There's a sun, which Luigi comments is not too bright (a quote from Mario in the SMB3 cartoon) and a house.

The house belongs to Gwonam, the wizard on the flying carpet from the CD-i game Link: Faces of Evil. He's here because he's in a lot of YouTube Poops and I like YouTube poops; I based his graphic off of the old men found in caves all over the first Legend of Zelda game.

Talking with him, you can piece together that the princesses are safe, that the game has an instruction book, and that he [i]had to gouge out his own eyes to protect himself from the villain's mind control[/i]. If you're well-versed in creepy pasta, you'll have your first hint as to who the villain is.

The gameplay works like this: You attack enemies until they die. When dead, they leave dead sprites on the field and give you nine thousand experience. If there is another enemy still alive, you can keep attacking the dead enemy and get thirty-four experience and an item; most such items teach Weegee a new spell.

Spaghetti and Bagels restore Weegee's HP and MP respectively, but there's a few seconds of delay between downing them and digesting them.

Now, since I only had sprites for Weegee, a Goomba, a Koopa, and an angry SpongeBob, I decided to ask people on the Internet about what they'd like to see Weegee fight. With the exceptions of Dr. Robotnik and the final boss, all of the enemies from here on out were chosen by other people.

SpongeBob makes a reference to a YouTube Poop that included both he and Weegee before the fight. SpongeBob drops a Bubble Wand if killed when dead, which teaches Weegee the Fizz spell.

Surlaw wanted to see him fight America. Remembering that there was an anime where the characters were named after countries, I looked up the character named America -- just enough to give him a stupid line and an appearance. When dead, he turns into an approximation of a map of the United States. Recalling the meme "Guile's Theme Goes With Everything," I hunted down Guile's stage music from Street Fighter 2 to use for this fight. I also gave America one of Guile's moves -- the Sonic Boom. That sound clip was very difficult to find.

Baconlabs wanted Weegee to kill Robotnik's badnik Penguinator from Sonic the Hedgehog 3. I made him use an attack that causes damage and then stuns - gaining this useful move is tricky, since the animals that break out of Robotnik's robots always run away. The penguin is named Tux.

Mogri said "Science," so I assumed that he wanted Weegee to fight it, but he might have been telling mjohnson that science is what Weegee is, now that I review the thread. Still, finding an image that summed up the word "Science" was a difficult task. It dies into a refutation of the notion that E = MC^2, and drops herbs that teach Weegee to poison things.

Voltire gave three enemy ideas: Bob the Hamster, Mario, and Father Time.

I made Mario the boss of the SMB2 World 1-1 remake level, using FnrrfYgmSchnish's Mario sprites and reducing them to three colors. I forgot to put his name in the credits (sorry) but will fix that with any future update. Mario can change his fighting style, and will do so based on how you fight him (sometimes).
* Hammer Mario drops a hammer, which will raise Weegee's attack power. Hammer Mario has the highest attack stat of an enemy in the game, including the last boss.
* Fire Mario throws SMB fireballs, but yells "Hadouken!" when doing so. If I alter this, the caption will read "Kill It With Fire" instead. He drops a fire flower, teaching Weegee to do the same.
* Jump Mario is the weakest; he just uses a wimpy jump attack. Beating him gets those same jumping shoes gained by killing goombas.
* Laughing Mario can either do the "Huh-haw!" laugh from Hotel Mario, usually used before declaring that there are too many toasters, or the "Ahahaha" used after incredulously asking "MAMA Luigi?!" He drops Laughter, which teaches Weegee to use the laugh from the 1987 Super Mario Bros. direct-to-video anime movie.

Bob the Hamster appears after World 1-1, in the Deconstruction Zone. He complains that Luigi is more popular than himself and starts a fight. His moves are shout-outs to his allies in Wandering Hamster: Fizz for James, Quick Attack for Gisli's Berserk, and Fireball for Rathmara. Bob drops a hammer like the one dropped by Hammer Mario, or sometimes a bubble wand like SpongeBob. At this point I was really crunched for time, or I'd have let him give you Berserk, which would have functioned differently from Quick Attack.

Father Time is the boss of the Deconstruction zone; he thinks Weegee is an old, unfunny meme and ought to die (inadvertently quoting several DIE memes in his fury; irony intentional on my part). I used the appearance for Father Time from The Smurfs Adventures, a rare non-videogame cartoon I loved in my childhood. He uses his scythe to good effect. When double-checking his appearance on YouTube, I caught two lines: "Am I too late?" and "Don't tell me Grandpa used the time crystals!" so I remixed the first one into his death quote and made reference to the time crystals in his death item.

FnrrfYgmSchnish wanted to kill Pikachu, so I made it a common enemy replacing some of the Shy Guys and Tweeters in World 1-1 (and recycling Goombas, Koopas, Science, and Penguinators). Pikachu is a glass cannon; it'll usually die after one successful hit, but its Thunderbolt can do some decent damage. Instead of learning that, however, you can catch a defeated Pikachuby grabbing a its Pokeball. Pikachu then triggers a reference to the Mama Luigi episode of the Super Mario World cartoon.

I asked the girl I've been holding an Email correspondence with since 2007 what she'd like Weegee to fight. She picked narcoleptic manatees; having little time, I threw them into the Deconstruction Zone and made them drop spaghetti and bagels.

Robotnik is extremely popular in YouTube Poops. To be more precice, the version of Doctor Ivo Robotnik from The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, who was voiced by the blues singer Long John Baldry. Robotnik in this game declares you to be snooping as usual, because that line often has the ends cut off to produce "pingas", which sounds remotely like "penis." I hated this meme at first, but it grew on me. He also gives himself and his minions promotions (raising attack power), yells to silence you (disabling all attacks that use voice clips), and falls on his back when defeated. He declares you to be a rapscallion if you kill him when he is helpless, but you get to learn how to yell for silence in Baldry's legendary voice.


The final boss is another Internet meme. This is ZALGO, who often appears either in long stretches of text or in comics.

First, he starts replacing individual characters in the text with junk sybmols. He does this more and more, the text itself becoming more and more desperate to warn you that Zalgo approaches.

In comics, small alterations are made to the images, focusing mostly on the eyes. Bleeding, dilating, becoming tentacles...it varies, but the eyes always get messed with.

"ZALGO, HE COMES" or "HE'S HERE" written in legible text usually serves as the equivalent of a punchline, often with the image (if applicable) having hollow eye sockets.

The text for him in this game I made with the Alt key; if you don't remember the days before CTRL+Space, this is how we used to always have to enter those nifty little icons for item names. His first couple boxes are obvious enough, but his fully messed up ones are:
"Weegee, I am Zalgo. I am a reflection of your soul -- I will prove that I am the creepier pasta; then I will conquer th[sic] entire universe."
"You killed me."
That thing about him being a reflection of Weegee's soul? BS, even in-universe. He's just taking Weegee's shape to creep him out and get a psychological edge in the upcoming fight.