The Backdrops of Fat Frog: The Movie
Art by FnrrfYgmSchnish

If you've been paying attention to the OHR movie contest that just happened this June, you probably noticed that I uploaded an entry. This was Fat Frog: The Movie, though at the time it was originally uploaded I had given it a much less descriptive title ("FnrrfYgmSchnish's Movie Contest Entry," or something along those lines) in order to avoid giving away the fact that it was partly based on the infamous old OHRRPGCE game Fat Frog.

Anyway, I drew a lot of backdrops for the movie, and the process of shrinking and importing them cut down on the quality a bit. Here's the full-sized versions:

My sister says that the bunny on the TV looks like a burning American flag on the 320x200 version of this one.
Herman sitting in his chair, watching the news on TV. Yes, the frogs have TV even though the other critters are stuck with mostly medieval-ish technology.

The forest that Herman comes flying out of in one of the early scenes. I don't actually have full-size pictures of the "flying out from between the trees" scene, since I edited the frog into the already-shrunk ones.

But here's an animated GIF of the entire "Herman flying out of the forest" scene.

Punching a bunny...
The first of several "Herman beating up mice and bunnies" scenes.

...and a runty mouse.
And here's the second one. One of those mice looks really small and kind of deformed, but oh well!

A mountain of furry things ontop of a mountain of... rock.
And the "standing atop a mountain of KO'ed mice and bunnies" one. Oh, and also an actual mountain.

Krrrroik! *kaboom*
Here's the last of them, with Herman frying some mice and bunnies with a krrrroik blast. This one showed up before the previous one in the movie, but was actually the last of the four that I drew.

This animation: more half-assed than it looks.
Herman being hit by Captain Bumblewheat's tornado attack. The animation for this one was pretty simple, I just changed the colors of the swirls around the sides so they seem to be rotating clockwise. One of the shades of blue-green got cut out when importing into Custom, so there appear to be blank spots in the actual movie that aren't there on the original pictures.

Look at that castle. I wonder what species the king must be?
This one probably took the longest to draw out of all of them, just because of all the tiny little buildings in there.

The bad guys. Only one of which actually appears in the movie, but oh well.
The mouse king and his four generals, looking all dark and creepy. Only one of them actually got a chance to show up in the movie, though when/if I continue it the rest will make their appearance (and the first one's fight will actually get finished.)

He's not a mouse! He's a creepy murdering fox dude who sounds kinda like Gin Ichimaru.
General Vomitus Ignaceous de Pointless reveals his true identity. Or does he? Maybe the fox is just another disguise, and he's actually a raccoon or a weasel or a prairie dog or something...

The end.
And the final scene of the movie, Herman and Vomitus about to start their big fight. I had planned on finishing all of Vomitus's fight scene before getting to the "to be continued" bit, but ran out of time and had to cut it off not long after the mouse mask came off. Sorry about cutting it off right before the talking stops and the fighting starts, but... don't fighting-focused shows always do that?