Sky Flyers #1-3
Comics by Paul Harrington

People who know Bob Surlaw probably know him from Walthros or from his various adventures in this magazine. I'm going to take you on a fantastic voyage back to an uglier, grayer time, before Bob was a hero, before he even had a last name, and before he was known by more than three people. In April of 1992, I began drawing a series of comics about a dumb, round fish and his sea creature friends. I made a point of drawing them as quickly as possible, almost never worrying about how they looked or whether they made sense. Now, 20 years later, I'm ready to share these with the world. Happy birthday, Bob!

For the first time ever on the internet, here are these comics in their pure, unaltered, embarrassing form. If people are interested, I'll scan more issues for next month.

Issue 1 - Sky Flyers #1

Issue 2 - Sky Flyers #2

Issue 3 - Sky Flyers #3