Welcome to HamsterSpeak, the internet magazine dedicated to games designed with the OHR RPG Creation Engine. We're at two years and counting!
If you want your game to be previewed or reviewed, or if you are interested in writing for us, send us an e-mail and let us know!
Thoughts? Concerns? Horribly offended by someone's review and want to offer an alternate point of view? Discuss this month's issue here. Your comments may appear in next month's issue!
This Month's Articles
OHR News
The latest game releases, contest announcements, and information regarding the OHR engine.Review: Gohrillas
Find out whether Meatballsub went bananas over Moogle's new APE GAME!
Feature: 48 Hour Contest Review Blitz 1
Big Papa Surlaw's take on the games of the 2009 48 Hour Contest.
Feature: 48 Hour Contest Review Blitz 2
Meatballsub gives us an alternate look at the 2009 48 Hours Contest games.
Feature: 48 Hour Contest Results
Thankfully, A Very Funkotronic X-mas didn't win, or there would be no magazine this month.
Feature: Ask Surlaw
Episode 4: Ask Surlaw... on trial.
Feature: OHR Icons: The Slime King
Fortis takes us deep into the eye of His Royal Gooeyness.
Feature: Shiny but Rusty #2
Meatballsub returns to a land that time forgot.
Feature: Top 30, Winter 2009
JSH compiles the latest democratically elected popular OHR video game list.
Preview: Proximity Project
A quick look at RMZ's new internet escapade.
Art: Hero Sprite Pack
Fenrir donates some free-to-use sprites for the good of mankind.
Misc.: Mr. Triangle's Flash Maze
A different dimension of Mr. Triangle.
This month's contributors are Fenrir-Lunaris, Fortis, Joseph S. Hall, Paul Harrington, Meatballsub, Red Maverick Zero. Cover by Fortis. Logo by Twin Hamster.
Contact us if you would like your work to appear in a future issue!